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Dust deposition monitoring
A quarry requested that ECA undertake dust deposition monitoring to investigate potential nuisance dust that may result from its operations. The request followed concerns raised by a member of the community.
ECA installed a number of dust deposition gauges to enable dust deposition rates to be objectively assessed. Having access to objective measurements of the level of deposited dust enabled the client to have informed discussions with the both the regulator and the member of the community.

Irrigation of brewery wastewater
A brewery in the Margaret River region of Western planned to beneficially re-use brewery wastewater to irrigate pasture. The brewery requested that ECA review its operations and provide recommendations to minimise environmental impacts, whilst at the same time optimising agricultural production.
The review included:
A review of existing desktop information;
A site walk-over;
An electromagnetic induction survey;
Soil test-pitting and soil sampling;
Nitrogen, phosphorus, organic and hydraulic loading calculations;
A salt mass-balance model; and
Development of an environmental monitoring program.
ECA will undertake ongoing environmental monitoring to assess the ongoing environmental performance of the operation and report on environmental performance to the regulator, the Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER).